7 Perspectives When Setting Goals

a quick list of questions + action steps


You have a goal (or two) & that’s great! Here’s the thing, I find it so important to press in just a bit more & consider a few things. I promise you, it’s worth your time. Whether you’re setting a few goals for the season, month, or year. Here. These perspectives or questions will help.

  1. Why

    What are your reasons for wanting to achieve this goal? What’s your motivation here? & Why does this matter to you, now?

    Action Step: What compels you? Name it. What are you hoping for? Name it.

  2. Visualize

    What’s different? How do you want to feel? What end result are are you looking for?

    Getting a clear picture of what we hope for helps bring to light what is needed for change. It considers how things might be different & often reveals that one thing that just might make all the difference. When we visualize, we get a reality check. We get clearer on what priorities are in place.

    Action Step: How to Catch a Vision

  3. Encouraging Words

    What encouraging words do you need to hear? What do you need to hear or read that will help you start today? What’s going to help you keep going?

    An encouraging word, quote, scripture verse, motivational phrase, affirmations, or pep talk can quickly shift our perspective & lift us up.

    Action Step: Find what speaks to you & write it down. Let it keep you inspired.

  4. Progress Tracking

    How will you know you’ve succeeded? How are you going to track your progress?

    If you don’t know what it looks like for you to succeed, how will you know when you’ve made it there? Break down the steps needed to accomplish your goal. Start & keep a record of what you’re doing.

    Action Step: Do something to keep a record of the steps you’re taking & how you’re showing up. (ie. The notebook, the notes app on your phone, a planner, calendar, habit tracker, Powersheets, etc.)

    Bonus. Keep a record of what God is up to & how He shows up in-between.

  5. Resources Needed

    What might you need to accomplish your goal? Who might you like to include or talk to? What books or resources relate to your goal?

    Sometimes a book, app, friend, or resource are needed to help move us forward.

    Action Step: Identify what you need. Then, purchase or obtain the item, ask for help, call the friend, watch the Youtube video, or research to learn what you need to know.

  6. Obstacles

    What might get in the way? How will you overcome it?

    It’s always important to consider obstacles that might get in the way from you accomplishing your goal. What can you do to have a plan in place so this doesn’t happen? Or when it does, how do you want to respond? Consider your fears. Name what might be holding you back. Develop a plan for how you will fight back.

    Action Step: Name the internal & external obstacles that might get in the way. Have a plan in place for each so you can respond positively. So you can get back on track. So you can keep going.

  7. Celebrate

    How will you celebrate when you accomplish the goal?

    Big or small. With something tangible or not. Take a moment to consider your start, the steps you’ve taken, or how far you’ve come.

    Action Step: It sounds cliche, I know, but celebrate. The intentional change. Your sameness, your differences. Your progress. You can make it fun or fancy, if you’d like. Regardless, know what it will look like for you to celebrate or reward yourself when you reach your goal.