How To Catch A Vision

the rule of life + practical ways to catch a vision & stay in step with God


I was introduced to the “The Rule of Life” concept from a mentor about 2 months ago:

“You, in Jesus’ name, have the upper hand. The Savior of the world is the best communicator and cares for you. & you get to ask him: What should I do? What comes next?”

She encouraged me to picture myself in 1, 3, 5, 10, & 80 years. & write it down.

“the days of small thinking are over…”

What is the rule of life?

It’s catching a vision. It’s goal setting. It’s thinking with the end in mind. It’s making a plan. It’s getting specific & detailed as possible. It’s creating rhythms & routines that are life-giving. It’s commitment to living into the God-given vision.

Matt Chandler said it this way: “A rule of life is kind of looking at the broad spectrum of our lives and considering years, months, weeks and days and then filling those natural transitions and seasons with things that orient or re-center the heart around the presence and power of God, acknowledging that our drift will not be toward those things but self-reliance.”

how to catch a vision:

  1. You don’t overthink it. You schedule a few hours in your day. You grab your journal & favorite pen. Or maybe, you pack a laptop.

  2. You find a place you won’t be distracted. You go somewhere that’s life-giving.

  3. You talk to God & ask Him for the end vision.

  4. You think with the end in mind, but you start small.

… In 10 years. How old are you? What does your life look & feel like? What are you doing? How are you spending your time & energy? Who are you with?

… In 1 year. What about your 10 year vision can you actively pursue now?

… In this season. In 3 months. What do you hope for?

… What do you want? Where do you see this whole thing going?

“It’s about Him wanting to communicate with you. He does & He will. Learn to go to Him & listen.”

How to create a Rule of Life:

We can’t keep a healthy or life-giving routine if we haven’t established what that “rule of life” will look like now can we? Whether you’re trying to catch a vision for what’s ahead, or you want to create your own ground rules for life — both are intended to help us walk with God. May we do just that. Here are a few resources to help:

The 5 Core Parts to my Rule of Life:

  1. Spiritual & Personal Growth

  2. Family

  3. Health

  4. Home

  5. Work

For each of these areas, I have a vision, action steps (commitments), & key verse written. Here’s a worksheet to help you start somewhere & organize your thoughts. Give yourself 10 minutes, jot down a few ideas, & go for it!

A final thought. A quote.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a day, and underestimate what they can do in a month. We overestimate what we can do in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade."

Matthew Kelly, The Long View