Questions Jesus Asked: A Series

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In-between a question and the answer is a question mark that often leaves us with uncertainty. It’s the place where a good work begins. The weird lull before an answer eventually arrives. & with it, so much more.

Within my searching heart, I love the kind of questions that challenge me to think differently than I might have before. Thoughtful questions allow me to explore answers I believe God has already planted inside me. The questions themselves somehow bring a new perspective & reveal more about ourselves than the answers might ever would.

Currently, lately, I’ve been thinking about the questions Jesus asked. What I’m learning:

learning & growing are often the result of a question

  • He didn’t ask a question because He needed to know an answer.

  • He used questions to teach what is true.

  • His questions helped others reach a new level of understanding.

  • His questions were asked with kindness & humility, without defense.

  • He allowed people to voice their needs.

  • A clever man, he was.

  • He asked questions to make human connections, address worry & faith, restore, & bring about commitment.

  • He reminded people of what they already knew.

So Let’s ask the question. Let’s learn & grow.

Most of the questions Jesus asked can be found in the Gospels: Matthew. Mark. Luke. John.

In this series, here’s what you’ll find:


  • The reference.

  • THE story.

  • A kind reminder.

Keep reading for links to the other posts! 

PS. I don’t explore it in this series, but my favorite question: What do you think? (Matthew 18:12)

QUESTION 1: What do you want me to do for you?

QUESTION 2: Why are you thinking these things in your heart?

QUESTION 3: What are you looking for?

QUESTION 4: When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?