Question 02: Why Are You Thinking These Things In Your Hearts?


This is the second post in a series where I’m sharing questions Jesus asked.

I love the kind of questions that challenge me to think differently than I might have before. In a way, it allows me to explore the answers I believe God has already planted inside me.

Most of the questions Jesus asked can be found in the Gospels: Matthew. Mark. Luke. John.

In this series, here’s what you’ll find:





Here’s the story that started it all. & Question 01.

Luke 5:22

Jesus is preaching inside of a house. Groups of people & listeners gathered inside & out. Four men show up with a paralyzed man on a mat. They certainly couldn’t make their way through. So, with great effort to get their friend in front of Jesus, they decide to unroof the roof. They lower him down inside the room.

Jesus, seeing their faith says, “your sins are forgiven.” This shocks the crowd & the scribes call him out. (Who do you think you are & what authority do you have to forgive people from their sins?) Seeing they were questioning Him in their own hearts, he responded with a question himself:

Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?

He goes on to prove Himself. He turns to the paralytic & says, “Rise, pick up your bed, & go home.” & the man did just that.

Isn’t this an awesome story? & I just gave you a summary. The Lord knows what’s in our hearts. The good & the bad. He wants us to know why it is there — so we can open the roof. So we can receive the blessings.

Nothing in our lives is hidden. No grace is beyond Him.


He reads our hearts.