Meditating on Scripture
methods to meditating on scripture. we’ve got options.
Think about this first:
Wordly Meditation Vs. Christian Meditation
Worldly Meditation
Calls you to empty your mind
Desires mental passivity
Visualize to “create your own reality”
Christian Meditation
Calls you to fill your mind
Requires mental activity
Philippians 4:8 - Whatever is true… let your mind dwell on these things.
Links meditation with prayer & action to see changes
Methods To Meditate On Scripture
Learned by Don Whitney
Choose a verse or phrase that attracted your attention. A theme or KEY verse from a passage.
Emphasize different words in the text.
Whatever He says to you do it. (John 2:5)
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Rewrite the verse or phrase in your own words.
formulatE a principle — what does it teach?
think of an illustration — what pictures explain it?
look for applications — what should you do in response to it?
ask how the teXt points to the Law or the Gospel.
Ask how the text points to something about Jesus.
Ask what question is answered or problem is solved by the text.
pray through the text.
memorize the text.
create an artistic expression of the text - a song, poem, or sketch.
Ask the Philippians 4 * questions of the text
What is true or what truth does it exemplify?
What is honorable about it?
What is right about it?
What is pure or how does it exemplify purity?
What is lovely about it?
What is admirable or commendable about it?
What is excellent about it?
What is praiseworthy?
Set & discover a minimum number of insights from the text (set the number in advance)
Tell me: What methods have you tried or want to try?!