Brooke Wiegand

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The Best List: 2021

This year was undoubtedly very hard. While I’m forever grateful for our PREGNANCY MIRACLE, I don’t want to look back on the year & only think of all the hard we walked through.

In an effort to change my perspective, I’ve compiled a list of the good that also came from that year. “A Best of” list, if you will. Just for fun. To have a light heart. To practice gratitude. Thank you.

best adventure. travel. trip.

Every year, Levi & I choose an experience to celebrate our birthday. We are only two weeks a part & this year we turned 30! We stayed at the Henderson Beach Resort. Enjoyed our very first couples spa day. & Ate the most delicious food. My parents kept Raylee, & so time together with just the two of us was really special.

best book

THE NEXT RIGHT THING by Emily P. Freeman & FREELY AND LIGHTLY by Emily Lex were the two books I kept coming back to. Emily P. Freeman has a gift for articulating thoughts & the unknown with grace. Emily Lex offered gentleness & kindness to my soul. Thank you Lord for the Emily’s in my life.

best movie

Raylee fell in love with Cinderella this year. The little mice that talked & tried to solve problems. The idea of putting her hair in a ponytail with only a ribbon. Singing A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Twirling. Finding pure joy in the words, “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!” & of course, the blue dress. The sparkly shoes. We watched the 1950 classic & the most recent live version many, many times. Thank you Lord for my Cinderella & Prince Charming.

best tv show

The Great British Bake Off!! I just love it so much!

best song or album

GRATITUDE by Brandon Lake.

best follow on Instagram

ASHLEY BROOKE. Aside from the fact we share the same name & I wish we could be besties, I love her kind spirit, charm, & genuine heart. She makes the effort to turn any ordinary occasion into something fancy or fun. Altogether imperfectly perfect.

best kiddo milestone

This year, Raylee learned to swim! She’s truly our little beach babe. Never any fear of the water. The happiness it brings her to jump in + make the splash + swim by herself is just the sweetest to watch. I’m so proud of her.

best faith grower

MY PREGNANCY. Faith is a topic I love to learn & write about it. This year, I went through a season where I had to live out & practice my faith. “Walk the walk” as they say. I learned that faith anticipates, acts, & perseveres. I learned “faithfulness is a long obedience in the same direction.” (Eugene H. Peterson) I learned the that perhaps the best way to walk by faith is to walk with the faithful.

You’ve always been faithful to me.

best meal or new recipe

I don’t like to cook. I do like to bake. & you must know, I have loved every recipe from ELISABETH AND BUTTER. Her cookies are just the best!

best life or mom hack

Start a Tub Tales Tradition! Here’s how it works. Start a bath. Add some bubbles if you’d like. Read aloud a story. On hard days. Add a popsicle. & call it a restart.

best family memory

Bringing Ava Joy home. & Seeing my two girls meet for the first time.

favorite blog post written


best habit created

Fitness. Nothing new here really. I’ve been a coach with Beachbody for 6 years now. Having a MORNING ROUTINE that includes a workout is so good for me! It helps me jump start the discipline I need for the day.

I want to be energized, hydrated, rested, strong, & full of endurance to walk the days ahead. Being “physically fiit” or healthy helps me live for Him.

It’s the most uncomplicated, freeing decision. I’m grateful for it.

best mama moment

Knowing I’m the main gal in their life.

I get to meet every need (like my Heavenly Father does). I get to create a warm, safe environment. I get to teach them to love learning. To solve problems. To think for herself. Communicate with care. Take responsibility for her actions. Consider a different perspective. Know Truth. Serve & love others.

Giving my girl a great delight in the Lord & knowing everything else will come together.

best home improvement

We had a leak up stairs that resulted in a not so small hole in our living room ceiling. With the ceiling repairs & repainting, we exchanged all of our lights with new can lights & light fixtures. We also gained a new mattress & bedroom set for the master bedroom + decorated a new little girls room. Goodness, we had a lot!

best little luxury

LAKE PAJAMAS. Big fan. So soft. I love the short sets. Size up. Don’t dry. Perfection.