Practical Ways to Process Fear

face your fear with faith


Afraid. Scared. Worried. Anxious. Terrified. Uncomfortable. Fearful. Nervous. Intimidated. These are all synonyms & feelings associated with fear.

Our relationship with fear is one of the main things that holds us back from growing or moving forward. How we interact with it, speak truth to it, respond & react to it, all impacts how we move forward.

We are a people of faith. & God is always moving his people forward. Amen? In this post, you’ll find:

  • a few of my personal thoughts on the topic of fear

  • practical ways you can process your fears so that you can move forward

  • An analogy I learned that might be helpful to you

In short, we all have fears & I have good news. Take what you need.

a few thoughts on fear —

Fear is normal. As long as we’re on this earth, I don’t believe it’s possible to not have any fear.

We can learn a lot from fear. Fear shows us what we truly care about. What matters to us. What we love. What we want. Think about it. What fear are you thinking of right now? What does that fear show you value?

The phrase “do not fear” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. I like to think it’s God’s way of encouraging us as his children. He genuinely doesn’t want us to spend our days distracted & our minds filled with being anxious & worried.

We need more trust. Not more information. It’s so easy to forget God’s faithfulness & character. Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons for fear. A kind reminder: God has already proven Himself worthy of our trust. We’ve got to come to terms that He is good. His plan is good. God is with you. He is enough. You’re going to be okay. Faith says, I’m scared, but I trust you more.

Our emotions don’t have the final say. I believe we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. Our brains have the capability to help control our emotions. Perhaps we fight fear by transforming it.

I’m not asking you to be fearless. I’m asking you to take steps forward. You can listen to your fear & respond.

practical ways to process fear —

  1. Tell the Truth. What’s scaring you? What are you afraid of? What are you scared to do? Big, small, silly, & alike. Name it.

    Action Step: Name your fear. Name what you are worried, anxious, embarrassed, or fearful of. Name your feelings. List out your troubles & cares. Tell Him.

  2. What’s the worst case scenario?

    Action Step: Say your worst case scenario. Your biggest fear & the worst possible way your life could go, if you made this “move” or if this fear actually happened. Play out the fear.

  3. Do you think your fear is Valid or Irrational?

    Action Step: Gain awareness & acknowledge the perception of your fear. Is it a valid fear? Is it an irrational fear?

  4. Know that you have a few options:

    Option 1. You can listen to the fear. You can say, I’m going to keep moving forward doing what I’m doing.

    Option 2. I’m going to listen to this fear & in the event my worst case scenario comes true, I’m going to have this plan in place.

    Option 3. I’m going to listen to this fear. I’m going to pay more attention to it. I won’t obey it. I’m not going to feel stuck in it. It’s not going to paralyze me. I’m going to have wisdom to take a hard shift left or a hard shift right. I’m going to make a significant move.

    A note: You get to decide how you respond. What do you want to do if this fear actually happens? How will you speak to yourself? What truth will you give? Decide ahead of time.

when you’re scared, build a B.O.A.T —

The Revelation Wellness Podcast Episode 686

B. Breathe. Take a breath. In through your nose. Into your lungs. The breath of the Almighty gives understanding & is our peace. (Job 32:8)

O. Observe. Be observant. Take a step back. Detach from what is troubling you because you may be too attached & over identifying the situation. Observe it.

A. Acknowledge. Acknowledge your fear. Acknowledge you’re scared. Acknowledge your feelings. Accept what it is.

T. Transform it. Get a vision of the success. We can transform the trouble into possibilities of God’s favor.

Process your fear. Take the step. Go in faith.

What fear are you ready to make a small step + move forward? Leave a comment and tell me what fear you have been thinking about.

RELATED: Action Steps to Fight Anxiousness