On Getting Your Priorities Straight

a shift in the right direction + 10 journaling prompts


Priority. n. The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important.

We all have the same 24 hours, but our priorities are different. There are about 3-7 things we focus on wholeheartedly every day. To know what you value most may seem obvious, but I must say, it can be easy to forget.

Just today I prioritized five: Feed the baby. Complete a workout. Time to write. Read a chapter in Matthew. Catch up on laundry. I regarded the tasks of the day as more important than who I spent my day with.

But my heart’s priority?

Currently. My heart & priority is to maintain a healthy relationship with my husband, care for & enjoy the early months of my daughter’s life, & go to bed each night feeling as though I was a good steward of that day (the tasks & people at my table too). All to the glory of God. Amen.

I’m learning it takes effort to check on myself. To make sure my actions align with what I value most. To know that what I do daily compounds overtime & surely impacts who I am becoming. & To remember that my priorities may change. Because I’m changing too.

I’m learning priorities often overlap.

“They bend & sometimes break until we forget they were important to us in the first place.” Erin Loechner wrote this.

& so here we are. Taking the time to evaluate. To write down what we value most & put it somewhere we see everyday. To recommit.

I don’t want us spending hours at work only to come home & crash into bed each night—to wake up & do it all over again. I also don’t want us spending our days watching programs, shopping, & never going to church. I want us to give God, our spouse, & our children the best of us.

Today, I’m here to help us get our priorities straight. Grab your notebook + favorite pen & let’s get to it.

Answer these questions:

  1. What is most important to you right now?

  2. Who are the most important people in your life?

  3. What are your core values in life?

  4. What did you do today/this week + how does it align with what you value?

  5. Where do you feel like the majority of your time & energy is spent on a daily basis?

  6. What needs more attention?

  7. What needs less attention?

  8. What are your top 3 priorities?

  9. What is one thing you can do differently tomorrow?

  10. What can you do to be more aware of where you are spending your time?