How I Stay Productive

3 tools I use daily


I don’t know about you, but I’m always so interested to learn about what goals people have for a season, month, or year. I’m inspired to learn the steps they’re taking to make progress. I like taking a peek at their habit trackers, planners, etc. In short, I love goal-setting.

Goals help me steward the different areas of my life well. Goals give me vision & keep me focused on what matters. When the “I don’t know what I’m doing” thoughts creeps in, goals re-center & remind me of what I’m moving towards.

When it comes to being productive, two things need to happen:

  1. You’ve got to have a plan.

  2. You’ve got to follow through.

Every week & every month, I take time to make a plan. Or a list. I like to know where I’m going. What I’m doing. & How I’m getting there. But how do I actually follow through? On most days, it looks like saying no to sitting. It’s putting my shoes on & keeping them on. It’s having a deadline. It’s choosing to listen to an audiobook, podcast, or music while I work. But for you… Here are my 3 favorite tools & resources I use to stay productive.



This goal planner by Cultivate What Matters is like having a personal life coach! Think workbook & habit tracker. For the month. For the week. For each day.

Basically, it helps you reflect, set, plan, & track progress toward the goals that matter most to you. I’ve used the One-Year Planner twice & I’m currently using the 90-Day Powersheets to stay super focused on some big goals & projects. I totally got the stickers too. They make me happy.

2. Timer Cube

You might have seen this circling around on Instagram or Amazon. I use it for tasks I’m not super excited about. Sometimes to get started. Sometimes to beat the clock. Mostly, I use it to “block” my time, get things done, & keep myself moving. It’s a great motivator!


Just about every morning, I get up & go for a morning walk. I listen to an audiobook, devotional, the Bible, or music. I walk at least a mile.

Once I make it home, I prepare my favorite lemon pre-workout (with 16 oz of water) + complete a workout from my Fitness Library.

The combo of this helps set the tone for my day. I already feel productive: I’ve gotten up. I’ve gotten dressed. My hair is pulled back. Contacts are in, so I can see. Teeth are brushed. I’ve walked a mile. Seen the sky. Said a prayer. Tuned my heart. Consumed a notable percentage of water. & completed a workout. All before my girls wake up & it’s time to care for them.

Here’s my encouragement to you:

Sit & think & make a list of things that help you stay productive. Look back at previous seasons or months to see patterns, routines, & good-for-you habits. You might find some you miss. & others, you’re glad to be past!

Tell me: How are you staying productive these days? I’d love to hear!