6: Just Don't Lose Heart



About this episode

Listen in as Brooke shares a list of action steps she started taking to see what it might look like to know & live by faith. Here’s to starting somewhere. A pep talk. A reminder. Grace. & a prayer.

Resources + LINKS

I want to move energetically. I want to live doubtless. I want to increase my faith. But what exactly does this look like?

At the end of the day, I have this idea in my head that I want to feel spent.  I want to be exhausted in the sense of doing everything God has asked me to do.  Is that good? Bad?

I’m not sure. But I’ve decided: I’M GOING FOR IT.

As I walk the days ahead:

  1. TRUST. Trust God’s wisdom. Not my own understanding or my own will power. Or my own ideas. Trust God’s strength. Like manna, he fuels our body by giving us enough energy for each day. & I can use up it up completely. I can Trust He will provide for tomorrow too. What he gives is always more than enough. It’s sufficient in my weakness. It’s plenty.

    Exodus 16

  2. REST. Learn what it looks like for you to rest. & then make room for it. Sometimes, you need to rest from work, rest from knowing, rest from hearing. When you’re given quiet, stay quiet. When you’re granted space, take up space. If time is offered, use it wisely.

    Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner

    The Life You Long For: Learning to Live From A Place of Rest by Christy Nockels

  3. ACT & move forward. As I act, I’m going to watch & see what God will do! I want to Be expectant. I want to let the Lord create my moments. He is at work in us both to will & to work for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). If I want to walk with him. I need to stay in step with him. If I want to run with Him, I’ve got to keep up.

  4. LEARN HOW TO READ THE BIBLE. Look for who God is. What he does. Learn the doctrine of your faith. Know what you believe & why you believe it. It’s going to take what it takes. Allow yourself dwell in the I don’t knows & keep pressing in. If you seek Him, you will find Him.

    New City Catechism

    Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

    Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin


  5. GIVE. Give my family the best of my energy. Remind two (now 3) people in my house how much I love them. Bring life & love to my home. In general, Remember time & prayers are often the best gifts you can give.

  6. Do something that REFRESHES YOUR SOUL. Get outside for an extra dose of the sun’s energy. Step out of the shadows & walk in the light. Light is life, you know. Find what lifts you up. Know what makes you sink. Name the good-for-you things.

    Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons

  7. BE GRATEFUL knowing thankfulness changes you. Set out to find what was good about the day. Write it down if you’d like. Remember your efforts weren’t wasted. Tell God you’re thankful.

  8. Have the courage to “DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING” (as Emily P. Freeman says). Get going by doing whatever needs to happen for our part. God will show up & do what He does best. You’ll see.

    The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions by Emily P. Freeman

    The Next Right Thing Podcast

  9. Put on peace right now. Put on love right now. Put on joy right now. Put on the armor of God. Through Him, The power lies within you. You just need to RECRUIT IT & USE IT.

  10. When faced with a hard choice. Or hard circumstance I will ASK GOD to guide me. I will research, seek counsel, & think hard. I will make decisions that make me more free.

  11. FIGHT FOR IT. You are not of this world, so stand up & fight. Take hold of what God has for you. Align yourself along with it. Face what is to come with a teachable spirit — Ask for wisdom always.

  12. WATER FIRST. VEGGIES MOST. You’re not going to sit back & wait for a burst of energy. Good feelings. & spur of the moment motivations. Make smart choices that will fuel the body you’ve been given. Find a good for you fitness routine & get to it.

    Faith Camp

    Fitness + Nutrition

  13. PRAY & KEEP A RECORD. Write down your prayers. Write down what you’re learning. How you’re feeling. & the steps you’re taking. Keep a Record of what God is up to. He brings you to places and spaces for a reason. Believe there is fruit & fullness on the other side. So capture his grace. Learn in-between and be grateful for all of it.

  14. HAVE FUN. Find fun. Don’t be afraid to Wear the colored nail polish. The bolder pink lip. Decide what you want. & not what you want to want. Laugh at the days that go sideways. I don’t have to take myself so seriously. God already has.

    That Sounds Fun Podcast with Annie F. Downs

  15. JUST DON’T LOSE HEART. What you believe makes a huge difference. In a time of trouble, remember what David wrote, “I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Wait for the Lord.

    Water & Dust by Corey Asbury

    Psalm 27

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