2: Walk By Faith



About this episode

We want to walk by faith, but do we know what it means & what it looks like? Listen in as Brooke shares a quick review on the definition of faith, a run through of people who were known for their faith, & 3 ways we can walk by faith today.

Resources + LINKS

THIS WEEK’S Action Steps:

  1. Faith anticipates. Faith is always anticipating a better day. It somehow has seen the future & believes it is coming. It anticipates the promises of God will come true & that ultimately He will be the one to accomplish them. Many of his promises are both present & future realities.

    ACTION STEP: Make a list of God’s promises, read them over yourself, & get to know them better.

  2. Faith Moves. Faith doesn’t produce works. But if there’s faith, there is movement. (We learn about this in James 2.) Faith moves on. Faith acts. Faith grows. It's never stagnant. Remember the list of those people? Faith didn't happen sitting down. They gave. They walked. They built. They obeyed. They worshiped. The fought. They marched.

    Faith is a long obedience in the same direction. Eugene Peterson.

    ACTION STEP: If you feel stuck in your faith, maybe it’s time to make a move. What might your next step towards Christ look like? What step can you take today? Start where you are. Keep your eyes open. God calls us to be faithful with the small things. Perhaps they’re preparing you for the bigger things ahead.

  3. Faith perseveres. No matter what you face, faith intentionally endures. Instead of wanting to be steadfast, we have an escapist mentality. what is there for me here. its not white knuckling. things are being lost, but there is something to be gained here. Steadfastness is developed is by looking at God’s faithfulness in the past & looking forward to the hope we have in him for our future.

    ACTION STEP: Identify the season you’re in.

    • Is it a time of stretching or resting?

    • What attitude do you have about your life?

    • How can you press in or persevere in an intentional way?

    Take ownership of your choices & embrace it.

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