Brooke Wiegand

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I love a great pair of shoes. But there’s just something about heels. I especially prefer the pointed-toe-kind. They make me feel confident. Put together. Decidedly Feminine. & most assuredly, they remind me to walk towards moments of purpose. Moments with meaning.

I've come to know there’s beauty in our failings & flailings. Learning from our experiences. Making adjustments. & Trying again. I also know that I greatly appreciate honest & helpful advice from a gal I can trust.

& so to you, a brief list of tips on how to walk gracefully in heels. May your next steps not be random. But chosen.

I hope, so much, that it is helpful:

1.     posture matters

Whether we realize it or not, a well prioritized life takes a heavy dose of intention. It’s not practical to navigate your path while looking down either. Lift your eyes. Stand tall & lean back the slightest bit, if you must. Survey your surroundings. Check your perspective. Name your world as lovely.

2.     walk slowly. walk with balance.

Walk slowly. Not in pace, but with understanding. Walk with balance. Not on a rope, but with fluid motion. Learn to walk with grace. In your heart & on your hips. Mari Stolan said this: Everything done slowly opens up a new way of seeing, thinking and being. The process becomes more important than the goal, yes? YES. 

3.     heel to toe

Heel to toe. Each step is not random. Heel to toe. Each step is chosen. Heel to toe. Each moment motions us to change. Grow. & Learn. My Plan: stop frontin’. Perhaps it will help us walk more naturally.

4.     small steps

Step. I do not recommend taking baby steps; however, please don’t feel the need to “keep up”. Taking small steps may not seem ideal, but is enough. Take your step. Smile. It makes you prettier. & Greet others along the way. Look up. Be grateful. Even if you’re unsure of your path, the sun is surely above you. 

5.     be practical. be wise.

Consider the future. Be practical & wise when picking out your shoes. The size matters. Too big. Forget it. Too small. Think about how your feet may feel in a couple of hours. The height matters. Do you really want to risk that? Remember, the thicker the heel the easier it is to walk. Style matters too. Go for fashion & function. Practice walking, if you’d like. Practice is good.

6.     take up your space

Show up & Take your next step. Click. Do you know there is room for you? Click.There is a big, wide space that is open for you to dream as wildly as you dare. Click.Dream differently & step into becoming your fullest self. Click. Click. Offer yourself to the world. Because if you don’t, we’re missing out on you. 


Walk with hope. & You'll never be alone.

My sweet friend, AMANDA is a 30A PHOTOGRAPHER & took this photo!