Brooke Wiegand

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What Am I Doing?

This morning I made a list of everything I feel like I’m trying to figure out & do on my own. The things I feel ill-equipped to accomplish. Frustrations. The areas I keep finding myself in the same place. The countless times I ask God, “what are we doing?”

What I realized is that any moment I feel a sense of failure. "It’s not enough”. Or in most cases, I’m forcing it — It doesn’t end well.

Here’s what I’ve been forgetting.

Here’s what I don’t want to forget:

  • He turns what we have into more than enough.

  • What we have can be multiplied by what God can do.

  • He gives like manna. Enough energy for each day. Enough we can use up completely.

  • He provides for tomorrow too. It’s more than enough. It’s plenty.

What are we doing?

We’re doing this together. Both He & I.

  • I won’t dare do life without Him. He will never leave me.

  • I’ll give him my two fish & five loaves. He will continue to provide the how.

  • I’ll keep trusting Him. He’ll keep walking me home.

What am I doing?

Getting Him.
& That changes everything.