Brooke Wiegand

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6 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Night of Sleep

keeping it practical. worksheet included.

Our home has been lacking in sleep for quite some time & here’s where I’m at: I may not be able to control the amount of sleep I get each night, but I can control my bedroom.

From my home to yours, I’ve rounded up 6 simple night rituals to prepare for the perfect night of sleep. Who doesn’t want more sleep?!

PS. Don’t forget to download & print your sleep plan!


Why it matters: It’s a sweet & unique part of the day that we get to experience.

Action Step: Journal. Listen to music. Read a book. Take a bath. Pick a good-for-you time to call the day done. Pick a good-for-you activity that will move you towards calm & rest.

Lower the Lights.

Why it matters: Google told me researchers have found light signals our brain into thinking it’s time to be awake. When the brain detects minimal light, melatonin (which starts & stops the timing of sleep) is released & produced in greater quantities.

Action Step: Use lamps or soft lighting. Try turning off your screens an hour before bed. Put away your phone. Turn off the TV.


Why it matters: Pajamas set the mood. The simple act of putting on your pajamas can help tell your body it’s time for bed.

Action Step: Make it dreamy. Make it fancy. Make it comfy. For you & your personality.


Why it matters: This needs no explanation. Just do it. You won’t regret it.

Action Step: Say I love you. Give the hug. Kiss goodnight. Tell them 3 positive things you noticed or appreciated about them that day. Let there be peace.


Why it matters: Choosing to manage our feelings in a positive way increases our emotional awareness & perspective-taking.

Action step: Set out to find what was good about the day. Remember your efforts weren’t wasted. Tell God you’re thankful.


Why it matters: Google told me cooler body temperatures are associated with better sleep. & during REM sleep, our body is unable to regulate temperature.

Action step: Do you tend to run hot or cool at night? Adjust the thermostat. Grab the blanket you love. Experiment with what works best for you.

Okay, so I’ve given us some practical ways to prepare for sleep. Now here’s a worksheet I put together to help you create your own sleep plan!

The questions:

  • What is preventing you from getting good sleep?

  • What could you accomplish if you got better sleep?

  • Consider your thoughts & feelings (internal obstacles).

  • Consider your circumstances (external obstacles).

  • Determine your Bedtime & Wake-Up time (one hour time frame)

  • Choose 3 goals or action steps! (ie. Refuse to snooze, read for 20 min, & say a prayer.)

Tell me, what area are you going to focus on?

Use this resource to help you better your sleeping skills & develop an action plan.

I’m sending peace & coziness your way.