Brooke Wiegand

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Keep Reading the Bible

don’t you dare give up, friend.

An honest moment & a pep talk of sorts.

we can hold fast to

the Word of Life.

we can run & not labor in vain.

we can live for what matters most.

Throughout my pregnancy, this thought repeatedly surfaced:

Now, more than ever, I need to be in the Word.

While it was applicable to me then, I know for certain it is still true now. It is true for you too. We need to be in the Word. — We get to put ourselves into a position & posture to receive from God what he wants to give us.

In various times of my life, I have experienced a lack of desire & an excitement to read the Bible. I have read it & felt confused. I have read it & followed along just fine. I have followed a structured plan & I have opened it to no where. I have read it by myself & I have read it with a group of people. I’ve allowed going to church once a week or listening to a podcast be my only source of the Word. & I’ve consumed numerous resources all at once only to find myself in the same place.

learning in-between…

In-between the “what am I doing” thoughts & the “not today” feelings — it’s there I’m humbled & on the verge of breakthrough. God is pleased with our faith — a heart that earnestly seeks Him.

In natural list-fashion-form, here’s my encouragement for us to honor the learning process.

Here’s what I want you to know:

  • It’s okay to feel frustrated or confused when reading the Bible.

  • I’m not letting you give up. This aspect of faith may not come naturally, but we’re going to keep making the effort.

  • We’re going to hold fast to the Word of Life. We committed & gave our life to the Lord. That means we remain tight & secure in Him & His Word.

  • There are days we may not feel like it, but those are the days when we need it the most. The Lord is aware of your season of life. Give him what you’re able to give.

  • I’m not letting you find a short cut. Put aside the cliff notes for now & press in to the discomfort. The unknown. I promise, you’re doing the good work!

  • “What God has for you on the other side of the pressing; is more than worth the effort.” (Christine Cane) Stay with it.

  • Sermons, podcasts, books, or blogs are good resources. They are very helpful. Choose to do your own work first. Then supplement. I know you don’t like feeling lost, but let’s have a healthy mindset + keep those resources in their place when it comes to learning. Let’s develop our thinking skills!

  • Pray. Ask the Lord to grow a desire in you for his Word. & for understanding of it too.

  • We are not the kind of people who shrink back. You can move forward. 

  • Learning the Bible is a discipline. You will need to practice.

  • You can be patient. You can wait for God.

  • I want my daughter to see me loving my Bible. I want her to know it’s changing me. It’s living & active & I know it’s changing you.

  • There’s no “right” way to read & study the Bible. Don’t let the feeling of doing it “wrong” or the search for a system keep you from pursuing Him.

  • We’re going to put our spiritual life in motion. Or we’re not. Open the book. Start somewhere.

  • Keep reading the Bible.

A kind reminder:

We’re not reading the Bible so we can know it well. We’re reading the Bible to increase our knowledge of Him. & this surely will increase our love for Him!

to know him is to love him.

If you’re curious to know what I currently do, you can read about it HERE.

Would you like to learn how to better handle the Bible on your own?

I read Women In the Word a few years ago & let me tell you, it renewed my joy & love for reading this Book. She “offers practical guidance & helpful tips for women who want to go deeper in their study of the Bible & learn how to teach others to do the same.”

The biggest game-changer I learned:

“Look first for what the text says about God. Because that is the understanding that should shape the rest of our understanding of what the text is saying to us.”

2 supplemental resources that have been helpful:

Here’s to moving from “This is hard for me” to “I'm getting better at this!”

Don’t you dare give up, friend.