Brooke Wiegand

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I Promise It Matters

passing on these words from Jennie Allen today:

What I remember: I wrote these words down last year because they meant something to me. They were a pep talk to my heart & a reminder to my soul. They were words worth remembering. & now I think they’re words worth sharing.

What I can’t remember: Where I read or heard these words. Most likely, they’re from a post shared on instagram.

My favorite line: Who are we to say what the important work is & isn’t.

My second favorite line: Something the world needs is for us to have contagious faith.

the words:

You matter to the lives you invest in regularly. If you want to do it in a bigger way, I promise you there’s not more significance in it. I believe in you & I don’t want you to be discouraged. & I don’t want you to think there’s something that’s just over the hill that will feel more important than what you're doing now.

Keep doing the good work right in front of you.

Don't quit.

Don’t lose focus.

Truth is... Who are we to say what the important work is & isn’t.

Something the world needs is for us to have contagious faith. For us to believe & not run around scared making a way for ourselves.

Do not worry.

Do not be afraid.

GO DO the work.

One day we are going to fully realize: All the small stuff was the big stuff. & I promise it matters.

Jennie Allen


Do I believe this to be true?

How then shall I live today?