Brooke Wiegand

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I often find myself awake in the middle of the night. In the dark. In the quiet. In the stillness.

I have no distractions, really. Other than my bed covers that twist & the fan blades as they cut through the air.

One night, feeling compelled, I asked God to show me small, tangible moments that offer a glimpse of grace.

It's not necessarily easy to understand. But, when you ask. The next step is to pause. To listen & look.

I re-learn:

grace is all around.

  • It’s waking up knowing you’re not an early riser. & while getting ready with a frenzied heart, you’re reminded morning only lasts a few hours.

  • It’s commuting to work. & while arriving later than intended, you’re reminded you saw the sun rise, listened to a podcast, sang along, or talked to a friend, & you’re still “on time”.

  • It’s working really hard. & while thinking it never is enough, you’re reminded that most days really are good. & that you've been evaluating the success of your efforts all wrong.

  • It’s working long hours. & while pressuring yourself for results, you’re reminded to pray instead. & keep showing up.

  • It's seeing the one who makes your lunch each morning also leave you the last twizzler. & while thinking "all he got was an organized fridge", you’re reminded that with each small act he’s saying, “I love you”. 

  • It’s getting takeout for dinner. & while eating with a sense of failure, you’re reminded that trying to take on a healthier, homemade meal, after a day like today would have brought stress & burnt dinner rolls. Pizza & Perrier will do just fine tonight.

Keep looking for more…

In time, I learned:

in the small moments of grace, there is one grand gesture.

It's waking up in the middle of the night. & while staring at the ceiling fan, you’re reminded there is still breath. A heartbeat. Sustenance. Life. Depth. Meaning. & Purpose. Good surely is ahead.

 That's big. That's grace.

Perhaps grace holds multiple meanings on the surface. & one giant meaning for all.

Tell me, what moments of grace are you living in these days? Let’s add to the list.