Brooke Wiegand

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7: Look Up


About this episode

People of faith look up to see what God will do. They are expectant to watch & see how he will move. Learn with Brooke as she shares a collection of stories & people who “looked up”. Together, you’ll see how God showed his presence & faithfulness.

Resources + LINKS

The Creation of Man & Woman: Genesis 2

Noah & The Flood: Genesis 9

The Call of Abram: Genesis 12-13

God’s Covenant with Abram: Genesis 15

Isaac’s Birth Promised: Genesis 17:15 - 18:15

God Rescues Lot + Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah: Genesis 19

The Sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis 22

Isaac & Rebekah: Genesis 24

Salt & Light: Matthew 5:13-16

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentation 3:22-23


Take a moment to look up.

Get in the habit of looking up and seeing what God will do.

  • When you are in a struggle look up and call out to the great Helper.

  • When you are comforting a friend who is hurting. Lift their gaze and offer hope.

  • When you are in a season and feel like nothing is changing, keep looking up and keep looking for him to show up.

When we find ourselves feeling lost, in the middle of challenges, & when life really is hard & dark. When we’re tired & when we feel weak, worn out, & we’re having a no good, & a very bad day, we can confidently look to Him. His presence. His promises. His provision. His better way of life. His Word.

Morning by morning, I wake up to find

The power and comfort of Gods hand in mine

Season by season, I watch Him, amazed.

In awe of the mystery of his perfect ways

All I have need of, his hand will provide.

He’s always been faithful to me.

Sarah Groves

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