Brooke Wiegand

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4 Mindsets for Your Home

As a wife & mother, I have the honor of taking care of my family & my home so they can be all they can be for the Lord.

While there are many specific & small practical ways we can take care of our home…

  • Define daily, weekly, monthly, & seasonally chores

  • Use a container or drawer organizer

  • Keep like-minded items together

  • Sort by color

…I wanted to share a few mindsets I try to carry with me when it comes to my home. Here’s to shifting our approach, adjusting our attitude, & taking a moment to think about the heart behind our home.

1. Creation mandate

When God created us, he created us to be like him and with a purpose. He said, “let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may RULE.” We were given the dominion & authority to be fruitful, multiply, & rule the land & the sea & the air. We were intended to do life-giving & meaningful work. It’s known as the Creation Mandate.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think we don’t live like this. I think most of us walk around in way that the world is happening TO US. That means very few of us walk around as if we rule — & that’s not an arrogant, I’ve got my life together, look how great I’m doing mentality. It’s God’s idea that He would be the supreme ruler over all  & then we would rule underneath him.

  • We can rule our family by taking care of them to the best of our ability.

  • We can take care of our mind & bodies well.

  • We can steward our homes & work.

  • We can make much of what we’ve been given.

It starts with me. It starts in my home.

2. Lady of the House Day

I first heard this phrase from Jess Connolly & it stuck with me. The name given is intended to rephrase the way we approach cleaning or taking care of our home, namely the mundane & the tasks that aren’t fun. Laundry is now a service. Errands are a reminder of provision. With every small act we do for our home, we’re creating a space for our family to thrive & live.

Pick one day of the week & claim it as your “Lady of the House day”. Get everything done that needs to be done. The tasks you’ve been putting off. The areas that need to be put in order. You’re the lady of house & you bring so much to your family.


I don’t always do this, but it’s a goal of mine to “put my home to bed”. This looks like doing a general tidy before calling it night. I may not feel like it & it may be the last thing I want to do. But having a clean kitchen, the countertops cleared, & the toys put away helps me live & think more clearly. In the morning, it helps me start the day well. Yesterday isn’t carried over into today & I’m not trying to play catch-up. Instead, I get to live & move in today.

Pro-tip: Have a defined place for everything. It will help you stay tidy. You actually end up creating more work for yourself if you don’t. Bags & backpacks & keys need a place. Dirty laundry goes in the hamper. Toys have their bins & baskets. Books, their shelf. Etc.


I’ve learned it’s a good thing for me to be mindful of whether I am entertaining or showing hospitality. Entertaining looks like setting up the photo worthy table scape. The menu is just so & the decor is perfectly placed. Hospitality sets a table where everyone feels comfortable. The house is pleasant & shows signs of every day life. The gathering is shaped around good conversation.

In short, entertaining focuses on self. Hospitality focuses on others. The two may look similar in ways, but one thing that remains true is that the heart behind what we do matters.

Try this: Find something small the people around you love or enjoy. This could be a Coke, a special mug, gummy bears, blanket, etc. Always have it ready or available to them when they come over.

Here’s my question for you: What do you want to produce in your home?

Is it an orderly home? A peaceful home? A home anchored in faith? A fun home? A home filled with music? Sit & think & make a list of things that will help you produce the home you want to have. Make a plan & then move forward in the best way you know how.

A kind reminder. Some people are better at things than we are. Don’t be afraid to reach out & ask for help.

& finally, if you’ve got a mindset that helps your steward your home well, pass it on. We would love to hear it.