Brooke Wiegand

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The Shelf of Love

the candlestick

I’m fond of mercury glass. & Although our special piece contains neither mercury or silver, this rose gold candlestick stood on our sweetheart table nearly 5 years ago. A reminder of our love. All things rosy. Coated in reflective grace. & Sealed with the element of promise.

the book

& “Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, & their names were -- Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, & Peter.” Levi’s baby room was themed after “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” A children's storybook classic. & A sweet, sweet gift from his parents, indeed.

A reminder: Dream big. Eat your veggies. Never give up. Consider camomile tea to calm. & Do listen to your mother.

the bunny

It’s booty is weighted. & I can’t help but grin & giggle as it sits up right, just so. A gift from special souls. Oh, the weight & support of a family’s love that heightens your posture. Just so.

the frame

A gift from my parents. & I day dream about these words. I believe there is great joy in what’s to come. It’s mounted with purpose. Backed with hope. & I surely shall carry it close to me.

Here’s to our shelf of love.

Here’s to “Our good little rabbit.” -- You are loved BIG.